
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
muggy and buggy
Ughhh -- now it is hot and muggy and buggy. All us ponies want to do is stand in our shed and get away from the bugs. Actually we would like to eat nice grass by the pond, but it is better in the shed. Yesterday the lady took me to the white hill and I got to trot around and wear the lumpy brown thing on my back. She had that dark horse Alexis in there earlier and she sat on top of Alexis, so I thought she was going to sit on top of me too, but she didn't. She just wanted me and Toby to trot around and be gorgeous. It was nice in the white hill because the sun can't get in there and there were hardly any bugs, but that was, as I said, yesterday and today would be a different story. Even without sun in there, it is too hot to trot around. Artie and that hunk Fusion are in the barn and they hardly ever get to hang out in stalls with fans on them. This morning the other lady who had been riding Fusion came out in our field and got Haylie and took her up to the white hill. I don't think she likes to ride Fusion any more because all he wants to do is jump over the jump in the arena. He doesn't even want to trot along the sides or anything, if he gets the least bit of leeway, he will tear off and jump over that jump. I'll bet today he wouldn't want to jump over the jump and get sweatier. But she rode Haylie around anyway before it got so hot.
Friday, June 15, 2012
That's entertainment
Us ponies have just been plain neglected recently, while the lady is spending her time with those big horses, taking them in the white hill and giving them carrots and riding them around in the big field that has huge gigantic rolls of what used to be nice grass. She has been riding Artie while the other lady rides around on that hunk Fusion almost every day and they go over by the stream and ride around in the woods and across the fallen trees and stuff while the big dogs bark at them from across the creek. And she brings those bay horse mares in while the other bay horse mares stand by the gate and yell for them and she even takes those young horses Ferris and Mak into the white hill where she makes swooshing and snapping noises. So when she came out in our pasture with her pockets full of carrots, you can bet that I was the first one right there in front of her. She put the halter on me first and I got to go over to the barn where I got my hair brushed and funny smelling stuff sprayed on me. Then we went to the white hill where it was cool and I got to trot and walk around and the lady would wave a long stick with a string on it. Sometimes she pointed it at me and sometimes she pointed it up in the air. Sometimes the string would say SNAP! She would say stuff like Trot! and Wok! and Whoa! and I did it all perfectly. I got lots of carrots for doing the right things at the right times. It was so easy I almost got bored with it. So then she took some other ponies in the white hill and some of them did it right like my sister Gypsy (she did some of this stuff before but it was when she was tied to a long rope). And some of the ponies like Tux didn't catch on so good. Tux thought it was a stupid game and he just wanted to leave. He almost didn't even care about the carrots. So that was yesterday and today the lady is back at the big horses again. But us ponies have been eating grass on the other side of the creek, so we have hardly even paid any attention at all to the entertainment in the white hill. We are making our own entertainment out here.
Monday, June 4, 2012
How many ponies?
You know our neighbor who is always mowing his lawn? He has really pretty short nice grass and it is really green. It must be special grass for as much time as he spends mowing it. So us ponies went over there to check it out and help him with the mowing. He didn't appreciate that at all. He called the lady and said that there were 14 horses in his yard. The sun was just barely up, so maybe he couldn't see us so good. The lady knows that there are 17 of us ponies in all and we were all checking out the nice short grass except my Mom, Tudi, so I don't know what he was counting. Anyway, the lady came and told us we had to go home, so we followed Harley and went back in our regular pasture. That turned out to be a bad idea because there is not sufficient grass in our pasture. We have to look really hard for that grass. We were kind of annoyed about it all day and last night. This morning, the lady came out and so we ran over to her to tell her to let us out by the pond for the nice grass there. She hardly paid any attention to us at all. She kept looking at my Mom Tudi. Last night Tudi laid down and when she got up, there was my new baby sister on the ground. So the lady was upset about Tudi being out there in the pasture with my baby sister. She told Tudi that she didn't know Tudi was going to have a baby because she took my dad, Bob away from her last year when her other baby was only 5 days old. I guess my dad and Tudi are fast operators. So we kept trying to run over to the lady to convince her to open the gates to the nice grass, but she just went out and fixed other fence and it took her forever to get our gate open so we could go out by the pond. Then she tried to lead my Mom and the new baby by us but we all wanted to run up and see the new baby, so she had to go back and carry the baby across the creek so she could take them up to the barn. We are having lots of rain to make the grass grow and it is kind of cool, so I don't know why she wanted to take my mom away. There are no bugs out here at all. And now we have nice grass so it is perfect!
Friday, June 1, 2012
There has been a way lot of exciting stuff going on around here. There has been an extra lady who has her mane pulled who walks around with the regular lady and does stuff. They led my dad Bob and the white horse mare up to the barn and then Taca and her baby from this year and the one from last year and then they took the white horse mare and Bob back to the pasture again. That was really fun to watch, so we ran along the fence and all lined up like it was a parade to see them go by. Taca didn't like us being so close to her little baby, so she made faces at us and called her baby and told it to stay right there beside her. Then later our lady came out to us carrying a halter. We were all standing up on top of the hill by the gate and the lady was really surprised. "Ponies!" she said. "I am so glad you are up here waiting for me instead of on the other side of the creek." We looked at her and then we all looked down the hill. So the lady looked down the hill too and she said "WHO is that pony back there?" Then she went and got the little green truck thing and her noisy little machines and she and the short-maned lady put the boards back up on the fence in the pasture next to us and put part of our fence back up and went back and caught Taca's baby from last year and took her out of our pasture. We were glad she was gone. We didn't need any non-friend ponies running around in our field eating our nice grass. The short- maned lady has been riding some of the ponies and there is still ANOTHER lady who is coming and riding that hunk Fusion. Yesterday there were ponies coming and going out of the pasture so much we could hardly keep track of them Even Toby got to go out to the big grassy round pasture and the lady sat on his back and he had to NOT run over to try to talk to the other horses. It was hard for him because he didn't know what that lady wanted him to do and it was all new. He walked around and watched Haylie trot and run with the short-maned lady on her back. He didn't think it was so much fun, but he got some carrots, so he didn't think it was terrible. We have lots of nice grass now that we had rain and the sun has been shining, so we don't really need to hang around and wait for the ladies to entertain us.
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