
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
rain bat
Now the ground is hard and shiny and us ponies are sliding around on top of it. A little bit, not a whole lot. Yesterday it was raining and the lady came to see us with some other ladies. The other ladies were scary because they had a giant bat over top of their heads. It was black and just flapping a little bit, so I am not sure how it was staying up there. Mak and Ferris didn't like that bat at all and trotted around looking pretty. Us ponies, we just stayed back and snorted a little bit so the bat would know to not come over here. The ladies said we were cute and they took their bat and left. Then last night, the wind was blowing and making a lot of noise, so we had to stay in our sheds. But there was still hay in our nets, so we tore one off the fence and put big holes in both of them so we could eat that hay faster. The lady took string from the hay bales this morning and made the holes go away. After she walked all over the field looking for the board and hay net that we pulled down. It is too bad she messes up all our good work. But it was good that she went down to the creek the other day with a big hammer and made holes for us there. That water was too hard to drink! We were even walking on top of the hard water. So now the white hill is making lots of flapping noises and it would probably be too scary to go in there. I could maybe do it for enough carrots tho.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The lady was so late with our breakfast -- I mean really really late and we were starting to think maybe we were never going to ever get breakfast again. We played a fun trick on her by biting a big hole in the bottom of one of our hay nets the day before, so when she put the hay in the net, it all fell right back out of the bottom! It was grand and we all ran in to grab as much as we could stuff in our mouths before she could take it away from us. So we were thinking maybe she was mad about that hole in the net and wasn't going to bring us any hay at all. And then she showed up with this whole bunch of other ladies, well actually, they were like ladies, but more like fillies, you know, not all grown up, but they were obviously smart because they wanted to know which of us was me and then they wanted to pet me. We all gathered around them and looked for our hay or carrots or SOMETHING, but all we got was petted. It was nice, but not breakfast. The filly ladies said we were beautiful. They did not give me a chance to bite any of their hats. They were talking about how fun and clever Fusion is because he did his tricks for them and they said he was entertaining. Then they left and finally we got our hay. The lady has not been spending much time with us because she has been messing with those big horse mares. She takes Jewel into the white hill and she gives all of them carrots. Today, that white stuff got all over the ground, so it is easier to walk around now, but we got wet. Sometimes there was rain and sometimes it was hard and stung our noses when it hit them. We mostly stayed in our shed except when there was hay to eat.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Misplaced priorities
Yesterday, the lady came walking right by our pasture with that big horse Jewel. Like always when we see her, Jewel was worried, so she was turning her head to look at the young horses on the other side of her and then sidestepping and turning to look at us and trying to look back over her shoulders. We should have known she was coming because that dark cute mare Alexis was yelling like crazy from her pasture. I guess Alexis might be sad because first her dad died in the field next to hers and then her mom moved out and lives way in the back, and I know that Jewel is her big sister, but I don't think Jewel even likes her. And really, when one of us ponies leaves with the lady, the rest of us don't get all upset and run along the fence looking for her or yelling, but then we know the lady is probably going to give that pony carrots. So if anything we are jealous about that pony getting to leave. Maybe Alexis doesn't know about the carrots because she hardly ever gets to go to the white hill or get any carrots. So anyway, Jewel was additionally worried about Alexis being all by herself in the field (with the two other horses,) on top of the fact that Jewel is worried about everything all the time. But she was being nice about it anyway. She followed the lady over the wood posts laying on top of the blue thing on the ground and walked right over top of them and she agreed to walk almost all the way over to the side of the white hill even tho it was making a funny flappy noise and moving in and out. I know that lady had carrots in her pockets because I could smell them so I stood right next to the gate in hopes that she would decide I was a whole lot less trouble than that big horse and give some of those carrots to me. But she didn't. She took Jewel into the white hill and I could hear Jewel's feet clicking around in there and sometimes her head would stick out at the end and she would make blowing nose noises in the direction of that yelling Alexis. After a while they came out and the lady had hardly any carrots in her pockets at all. That was disappointing. And Jewel looked fuzzier, so probably that lady was brushing her in there too. They went in the barn so then I couldn't see them. I wanted some carrots, but I still had hay to eat in the big hay nets, so I went back to eating it. Then I think that Alexis wasn't yelling so much and the lady walked back to their pasture with Jewel and put her inside. The other horses were all excited to see Jewel because she had been gone for such a long time. But you know, those horses actually have grass out in their field yet, because there is no white stuff covering it up, so they should have been eating that grass instead of standing by the gate all worried. Horses certainly have misplaced priorities.
Monday, January 2, 2012
The lady is neglecting us horribly and just not coming through with the carrots like she ought to. Oh sure, she shows up every morning and night and throws hay in our boxes and in the big nets, but she has only taken me to the white hill twice since the last time I blogged. It is not even that cold out, there is no white stuff on the ground and the mud is so deep that we sink in to our fetlocks, so I don't know why we are being neglected. It is so warm we are almost sweating out here. Even so, the lady wears these big fuzzy hats that are just asking to be bit and I have to really restrain myself so that I don't actually take a piece out of them. She can tell that I am eying her hats and she waves her glove at me and tells me to back away, but you know, they really are enticing fuzzy hats. One has hair like a bunny and one is red and looks like a coyote died and pieces got stuck together for the hat. Yesterday she got that hunk Fusion out and rode him all around in the mud. They walked right by our pasture, but he didn't stop to talk to us, even tho Harley and Billy and Toby went over to the fence and said things to him try to make him mad. They went down to the pond and walked around there and then went over to where the garden for dead people is with the stones sticking out of the ground. Fusion was trotting and looking very handsome. The lady didn't have on a fuzzy hat while she rode Fusion, she had on a shiny dark green hat. Maybe she thought Fusion would bite those fuzzy hats.
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