
Monday, November 28, 2011
So there was a lot of excitement around here yesterday. First, those yearling ponies with their shaggy manes moved into our pasture. I know that Fiesta is supposed to be my arch-rival for the glamour position here, but I felt sorry for her, since Harley was being bossy and chasing her around. She can run pretty fast tho! Then the lady walked my mom Tudi and my little brother by our field and put them out in the pasture next to ours. Then she came by again with Haylie and her baby and then she went the other way with two of those bay mares -- the big tall one and the one with the funny face -- and put them in the back field. And then she came by with my dad Bob and put him in the field with the new bay mares. Bob wanted to be happy, but he didn't think the bay mares liked him very much, so he was being cautious. And anyway, he had to check out every inch of that pasture to make sure that there had been no intruders in the months that he has been spending up by the barn. So there was a lot of noise, with Taca and her filly calling their departed friends and the bay mares upset about their buddies leaving them. And of course, Bob just generally makes a racket to let everyone know he's there and that he is a macho guy. So now it is quiet because things have settled down.