
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Hey, Hay!
Wow! We had lots of white stuff everywhere and some is still out here. It was cold and windy and there were no bugs at all! But today the sun was out, so most of the snow left. Now we have mud. The gates are closed to our outlying pastures, so we are stuck here inside this regular board fence where there is hardly any grass. The lady showed up yesterday and put frames of wood on top of the boxes that she set in our field back a long time ago when there was a lot of snow. She puts hay in those boxes and it is way hard for us to get it out. We used to just have hay laying on the ground, so we ate it really fast and one winter we had gigantic round bales which were really fun-- we tore them apart and rolled in them and had a grand time! Now we are stuck with these stupid boxes. The lady put some hay in the boxes tonight and we were happy about that, but we couldn't even pull the net thing out that covers the hay because of the new frame things on top. So we have to pull pieces of hay out a little at a time. It takes forever. But at least we have hay. I hope the grass comes back soon.