
Saturday, September 24, 2011
rain and bugs
I have been waiting for something exciting to happen so I could tell you about it, but it just keeps raining and nothing exciting happens. The rain makes a lot of nice grass but it also makes a lot of mean bugs. We ate most of our heavenly grass and then the lady opened another gate on the other side of the creek so we could eat grass there too. There are paths in the woods so we could get from one gate to the other one but we now can't do that because the bugs are too mean and chase us away. So we eat grass outside one gate and then we run up to our shed and then later we go outside the other gate and then we run up to our shed again. There are even bugs in our new white hill, so the lady hasn't been taking anyone in there. The bossy terror took her for a walk yesterday, but it was raining, so they did not walk long. I hope this rain stops soon so we can go get carrots.