
Monday, September 19, 2011
Oh happy day!
So we have been a little frustrated over the grass situation, or rather, the lack of nice grass situation. We have to look everywhere in our field for little short grass and the grass by the pond is gone too. We even ate all the grass by the tall weeds so some of the ponies have their manes full of burdocks all over again. So then the lady closed the gate so we couldn't even get to the pond and she was driving the big orange machine around by our other field that is made of shocking fence tape. We saw her back there, so we ran down to the fence to wait for her to open that gate, but she was taking forever. She was pulling up the posts and dragging the tape around. She looked funny because she had a black net over her head and we could hardly tell it was her. But we could tell by the coughing and the bad words she was saying when the tape would get stuck. Finally, she opened the gate and we ran through, but we could only go a little way and then we had to make a detour. The fence tape was blocking our field, which was very annoying. So we followed the tape a little way and then it opened up into the most beautiful nice grass field you could ever want to see. We could hardly stuff our mouths fast enough on the pretty grass. There are some weeds, but they are not mean weeds that bite or scratch our noses and they have pretty flowers on them. We were so excited. One of the ponies asked if we thought this was pony heaven, since it certainly seemed like a perfect day and the grass was wonderful. Some of the ponies thought it was pony heaven, but other ones said that if it was pony heaven then we would have to be dead ponies, and there would have had to be a cataclysmic catastrophe that catapulted us into pony heaven all at the same time. And then the lady showed up on the other side of the creek and there was no rainbow bridge, just mud and deer tracks, so we decided that we must not be dead. Just happy.