
Saturday, September 24, 2011
rain and bugs
I have been waiting for something exciting to happen so I could tell you about it, but it just keeps raining and nothing exciting happens. The rain makes a lot of nice grass but it also makes a lot of mean bugs. We ate most of our heavenly grass and then the lady opened another gate on the other side of the creek so we could eat grass there too. There are paths in the woods so we could get from one gate to the other one but we now can't do that because the bugs are too mean and chase us away. So we eat grass outside one gate and then we run up to our shed and then later we go outside the other gate and then we run up to our shed again. There are even bugs in our new white hill, so the lady hasn't been taking anyone in there. The bossy terror took her for a walk yesterday, but it was raining, so they did not walk long. I hope this rain stops soon so we can go get carrots.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Oh happy day!
So we have been a little frustrated over the grass situation, or rather, the lack of nice grass situation. We have to look everywhere in our field for little short grass and the grass by the pond is gone too. We even ate all the grass by the tall weeds so some of the ponies have their manes full of burdocks all over again. So then the lady closed the gate so we couldn't even get to the pond and she was driving the big orange machine around by our other field that is made of shocking fence tape. We saw her back there, so we ran down to the fence to wait for her to open that gate, but she was taking forever. She was pulling up the posts and dragging the tape around. She looked funny because she had a black net over her head and we could hardly tell it was her. But we could tell by the coughing and the bad words she was saying when the tape would get stuck. Finally, she opened the gate and we ran through, but we could only go a little way and then we had to make a detour. The fence tape was blocking our field, which was very annoying. So we followed the tape a little way and then it opened up into the most beautiful nice grass field you could ever want to see. We could hardly stuff our mouths fast enough on the pretty grass. There are some weeds, but they are not mean weeds that bite or scratch our noses and they have pretty flowers on them. We were so excited. One of the ponies asked if we thought this was pony heaven, since it certainly seemed like a perfect day and the grass was wonderful. Some of the ponies thought it was pony heaven, but other ones said that if it was pony heaven then we would have to be dead ponies, and there would have had to be a cataclysmic catastrophe that catapulted us into pony heaven all at the same time. And then the lady showed up on the other side of the creek and there was no rainbow bridge, just mud and deer tracks, so we decided that we must not be dead. Just happy.
Friday, September 16, 2011
tall and short
The lady showed up this afternoon with a halter, a funny brush and a white spray bottle. We did not really want to go up to the white hill, because the weather was good for eating nice grass. Altho when it got warmer, the bugs came out and we had to go to our shed. Some of the ponies had lots of burdocks in their manes and tails. I mean a LOT of them! Krissy and Belle looked like unicorns with their forelocks standing straight out on their heads and my sister DD had so many in her tail that it looked like a club. You had to be careful you didn't get too close to her or you would get clunked with it. So the lady started taking some of the burdocks out. She did that for a little while. Then she put the halter on Toby and led him to some dead trees that are lying next to the pond. She climbed right up on the trees and sat on his back and he walked around. He did this once before in the white hill, so he is already an expert. After she got off Toby, she put the halter on me and led me next to the trees too. She stepped up on the trees and she was tall. Whoa! That was freaky! I didn't like having the tall lady next to me, so I jumped a little sideways and then she was short again. When I stopped, the short lady gave me a carrot and took me back over to stand next to the trees again. Then she got tall and I jumped and we did that a whole bunch of times. Like over and over and over. After a while, I got so bored with the tall/short act that I was almost falling asleep. She did some tall lady variations, like putting her foot in the air and jumping up and down, but that got boring too. So I was standing there with my eyes half closed when I noticed her foot was hanging right off my side next to my shoulder. I turned my head and bumped her knee with my nose. The tall lady was on top of me! She leaned up and her hand appeared in front of her knee and gave me a carrot. That was nice. I walked around a little and then she got off and she was short again. "Now, you're a riding pony." she said.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
bugs again still
There are many many mean bugs. They don't ever go away. They are tiny and go in our ears. They used to just come out in the mornings when the sun was coming up and at night just before the sun went away, but now they are out all the time. And they used to go away when it got hot, but now they are still here all the time. I don't know why they are so mean to us. Sometimes we do not even want to come out of our shed. I wonder if the bugs will still be here when the white stuff is on the ground?
The lady came to see us the day before yesterday and her head was round and hard and a little shiny. And it was dark green. She went over to Krissy and put a halter on her and then, next thing we knew, she was on top of Krissy and she had four legs, just like Krissy. Krissy did not look surprised, Krissy just looked annoyed. But the lady would ask her to walk and then she would get a carrot. Harley thought it would be a good idea to get in on that action and we thought we should go with him, so we all went running over to Krissy. The lady had a funny look on her face when she saw us all galloping toward her. So then she went back to being a two-legged lady. So today us smart ponies were in the shed trying to get away from the mean bugs and she came out and got on top of Krissy again. But we did not charge over to them this time. Krissy got a lot of carrots for walking and stopping and turning in the pasture with the lady. Krissy and the lady both looked happy.
The lady came to see us the day before yesterday and her head was round and hard and a little shiny. And it was dark green. She went over to Krissy and put a halter on her and then, next thing we knew, she was on top of Krissy and she had four legs, just like Krissy. Krissy did not look surprised, Krissy just looked annoyed. But the lady would ask her to walk and then she would get a carrot. Harley thought it would be a good idea to get in on that action and we thought we should go with him, so we all went running over to Krissy. The lady had a funny look on her face when she saw us all galloping toward her. So then she went back to being a two-legged lady. So today us smart ponies were in the shed trying to get away from the mean bugs and she came out and got on top of Krissy again. But we did not charge over to them this time. Krissy got a lot of carrots for walking and stopping and turning in the pasture with the lady. Krissy and the lady both looked happy.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tiger hat
Today the lady came walking back to us grazing on the nice grass by the pond and I ran right up to her because I definitely wanted to go up to the new hill and eat carrots. I was the first one to greet her so I knew I'd get to go with her. She was wearing a funny orange and black hat that looked like it used to be a tiger. It has a big brim like those hats that people wear when they are making their horses chase cows. She took that hat off her head and put it on my back. What???! I did NOT need that hat on my back! I did not need that hat touching any part of my body! What if it turned back into a tiger? I was so surprised I only took one step and then she took the hat back off my back and gave me a carrot. Well, so that was okay then. But then she put the hat back on me and took it off a whole bunch of times. It is a good thing there were lots of carrots, or I would have been out of there. She even put the hat on my head. I looked pretty glamorous with the tiger hat on. I was just starting to like it when she left and put the hat on Krissy. Then Harley came over and he wanted to wear the hat. Actually, he didn't care about the hat, he just wanted to do whatever resulted in carrots, and if that involved hat wearing, so be it. So he wore the hat. But it looked way better on me. I never did get to go up to the new hill.
hard work
The lady showed up yesterday and drove that big orange machine around and made the weeds shorter in our pasture. There were not a lot of weeds and some of them are already just sticks. There is hardly any grass at all in our pasture. We have to look hard for it. The lady says that is good for us and that maybe we will not be so chubby if we walk around looking for our grass. But it would be way better if it was just nice and tall and green so we didn't have to work so hard for it. We have not seen the lady much, she has not been out to take us to the new white hill and the little bossy terror has not been making her walk around, either. But then, it did rain for just about four days straight. When she came out to us with the halter, she talked funny and was still coughing like she ate a bunch of bad hay. We could hardly hear her when she talked. She put the halter on the first pony who came up to her and that was Toby. Toby is the same age as me, but he is taller and grayer and skinnier. She took Toby into the white hill and then she sat right on his back! Toby was so surprised! No one ever sat on his back before. He said it was hard to balance and walk around with all that extra weight up there. But he said it was fun because he got carrots for just about everything he did. Weird but fun. Then he came back out and Harley got to go up to the white hill. Harley thinks he knows everything already, so he just wants all the carrots up front. He is a bossy big brother and doesn't like to wait for good things. He was a little bored with having the lady sit on him in the white hill, because he likes to jump over things in the arena. But he settled down and worked for the carrots when he found out that was the only way he was going to get them.
Today the sun is shining. I hope I get to go to the white hill and get carrots.
Today the sun is shining. I hope I get to go to the white hill and get carrots.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
falling leaves?
It is windy and feels like the leaves should be falling off the trees. But the nice grass is still bright green, probably because the ground is wet wet wet. It is a good thing we are starting to get our warm coats on, my brother Harley is already totally black. The lady did not come back to take any of us to the white hill. She is coughing and sneezing like she ate bad hay. Also, when we crossed the creek to get to the nice grass, it was as high as our bellies, so probably she can't get to us. I don't think even the stupid geese would be able to cross that creek. There are like a hundred of them standing around, waiting for another coyote. She did take Artie and Fusion into the white hill for a little while and when they came out, she was riding on their backs and had a halter on them. They looked happy, so I am pretty sure they got carrots.
Monday, September 5, 2011
fancy duds
OOOOOH, I got to go up to the new white hill and I was the only one! I got to use the cone carrot dispenser and then the lady put this wonderful soft cloth on my back and I walked around the barns so everyone could see it. It was bright and colorful and much nicer than that green flappy thing the other ones wore on their backs. We walked by Bob, my Dad, and he yelled at me and told me how cute I looked. I DID look so cute! I'll bet Gypsy and Krissy were really jealous of me. (The day before, they went up to the white hill and the lady sat on their backs, so that was all they talked about. ) I didn't get to stay at the hill for very long because the sky was really dark and there was a lot of thunder rolling around in it. So I went back to the pasture and told everyone about my excitement. The lady closed our gate to the pond and we thought she was going to open the gate to the other pasture but she didn't. So we are hoping she will open that gate soon so we can get nice grass.
That white horse mare is back out in her field with her foal and he is looking very strong and happy now. The old guy horse is happy too. I think he missed her.
And you know how I told you about how that gray and white cat was maybe eaten by a coyote? Well, he came trotting through our field the other day and walked right up to the lady and has been hanging out in the barn ever since. So I guess he didn't get eaten.
Today it is raining again, and our creek is way high. We would not even be able to get to that other gate if the lady opens it. So we will stay in our shed and hope the lady brings carrots. And maybe I will get to wear more fancy things.
That white horse mare is back out in her field with her foal and he is looking very strong and happy now. The old guy horse is happy too. I think he missed her.
And you know how I told you about how that gray and white cat was maybe eaten by a coyote? Well, he came trotting through our field the other day and walked right up to the lady and has been hanging out in the barn ever since. So I guess he didn't get eaten.
Today it is raining again, and our creek is way high. We would not even be able to get to that other gate if the lady opens it. So we will stay in our shed and hope the lady brings carrots. And maybe I will get to wear more fancy things.
Friday, September 2, 2011
So yesterday, the lady comes walking back to look for me by the pond, but I wasn't there because us smart ponies were in the shed away from the bugs. It was mostly just those hungry younger ponies down by the pond. And Krissy. (No one likes Krissy.) She was carrying a halter so she could take me up to the white hill and had this other thing in her arms that was flapping around and green, It was shaped like the saddle that Fusion wears when someone is riding him, but it was flat and soft. The lady walked up to Sienna and put the flappy thing on her back! Sienna is a three year old pony who looks like my sister LuLu, but not quite as blonde. You should have seen the look on her face, she was so surprised to have a flat flappy thing on her back. She jumped and then trotted around in circles, but the thing stayed there. So she stopped and then the lady gave her a carrot and took the thing off her back. Then the lady did it to the other ponies down there. Most of them were surprised but happy about the carrot ending of the ordeal. Krissy didn't care a lot and Perl, who has actually had the lady ride on her back, didn't even look up. Then the lady saw us standing up here by the shed watching her. So she came walking up to us with the flat flappy thing. She put it on my brother Harley, but he just wanted carrots. He doesn't care what you do to him if there are carrots involved. She put it on Toby and he has never had anything like that done to him before either, but he didn't care. I think it's a boy thing, he said if Harley and Billy could do it, he was going to tolerate it too. My sister Gypsy was skeptical, but she let the lady put it on her back. It has been a long time since the lady rode on her back, so she probably forgot what it was all about. I wanted carrots, but there was no way she was going to put that ugly, dirty thing on MY glamorous back! I just ran away and ran back. If she wants to put something on my back, it better be pretty and hopefully have shiny stuff on it. She didn't even try to put it on my back. Then she put the halter on Harley and took him up to the white hill. I didn't get any carrots at all. That was not fair. A pony should not have to put up with having nasty things on them to get carrots!
Us smart ponies went down to the pond then to join the younger ponies. The big tree is not in the pond any more and is laying on the ground. It is kind of in the way there. It was not lying on top of the grass while it was in the water.
Today I better get some carrots!
Us smart ponies went down to the pond then to join the younger ponies. The big tree is not in the pond any more and is laying on the ground. It is kind of in the way there. It was not lying on top of the grass while it was in the water.
Today I better get some carrots!
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