

Sunday, September 16, 2012

sunny day

Can you believe that horse Rita came along and hijacked MY blog?   I was pretty annoyed when I saw it.  If she had been  here, I would have jumped at her and tried to bite her like I did with Toby when he came barging in between me and the lady the other day and the lady almost fell down.  But you know, yesterday was a perfect day, hardly any bugs and the sun was warm and it was breezy and we got to go out in the nice grass by the pond and there was even extra grass where the lady moved the fence, so I got over it pretty fast.  You know, that Rita is the same color as my Mom.  And I was that color when I was little too. So MAYBE I will let her do that again some time.
   So, like I was saying, yesterday was super fun and all us ponies were standing around in the sun with our bellies full and here comes that lady with a halter.  Well, there was no way we were going to leave that nice grass forever, never, at all, ever.  So we turned around and pretended that lady was nowhere around.  We stuck our noses in the grass so she could see how starving and busy we were. I guess she could see how important it was for us to eat that grass, because she just walked up to one of the ponies and started one of the carrot-getting games.  It is a simple game once you figure it out.  The lady paws at her face and makes a funny noise with her mouth and kind of sticks her lips out.  "Kiss," she says.  At first, when she did that we thought she had flies on her face and was trying to get them off.  So we stayed back because we have enough of our own flies.  So then she would hold a carrot up by her face and do it some more. Once I saw that carrot, I figured she wanted me to have it and I stuck my nose up toward it and she made that other funny noise that means "carrot!" and then I got the carrot.  So it turns out that all you have to do is stick your nose against her face and you get a carrot.  The hard part is waiting.  You don't get a carrot if you just stick your nose in her face.  Some of the ponies haven't figured that out yet.  So anyway, as soon as we saw the carrot game was underway, we all wanted to get in on it. My brother Harley, of course, got right in the middle and then he followed the lady around and warned everyone else away.  So she put the halter on him and had him do some of the other carrot games.  He got a lot of carrots.
   It is nice by our pond because the stupid geese are not there.  A couple of days ago, right when the sun came up, there were lots of bangs in the field by where Rita lives and some geese fell out of the sky.  So maybe that is why the geese are gone.  That big yellow coyote has been hanging around here, but  I don't think he made the geese go away.  He tries to sneak up on the geese but they laugh at him and fly away.  I think the lady calls him Wily.