

Monday, February 13, 2012

Action at the park with the square rocks

The lady opened the big gate by the road in the morning before she gave us hay and pretty soon, trucks started coming in the gate. They drove right by us and went to the park with the square rocks sticking up. Then men got out of the trucks and started making lots of noise. They made trees fall down and pulled big piles of dead brush out of the park and put it in the field. The lady drove up there with the big orange machine and took some of the brush and tree parts down to a big pile by our pond. After the men left, the lady went back up with the big orange machine and turned some of the tree parts into little wood pieces that she put in the White Hill. She was very busy. Now it is cold and windy, so I don't think she wants to do that. When she tells us to get back from the hay boxes before she puts the hay in, her words are squeaky and she is coughing like she got into bad hay. This hay doesn't make us cough, so I don't know what hay she is eating.