
Sunday, December 15, 2013
White stuff
Wow! There is white stuff everywhere! Yesterday the ground had hardly any white stuff at all on it, and then after it got dark, the white stuff started to fall from the sky. Those magic trees work really good to keep the white stuff from sitting on pony backs, but really, you have to stand under the magic trees for it to work -- Harley! So when it got light again, we could hardly see anything because it was so bright. The white stuff is as high as our pony knees all over where there used to be nice grass a long time ago. We were starting to wonder where the lady was with our hay when here she came on the little orange machine and making a racket. The first problem was that she didn't have any hay with her like she does on the green truck. Knowing how we were starving to death, you'd think she would have been considerate enough to bring us our hay before she went playing around on that orange machine. She was making the orange machine go backwards and it was spraying white stuff out in a big arc alongside it. It took her forever to get back to our pasture gate, and when she got here, she just left again, but that time she made the machine go frontwards. And then finally, she came back with the little green truck thing and gave us our hay. It has been a trying morning, let me tell you.