Well, you know, since the lady hasn't been coming back to give us carrots as much as she ought to be, us ponies were getting a little worried that her training is slacking off. Fortunately, Little Krissy is living up by the barn with her daughter Belle and that Peaches, so she has been trying to work with the lady a little bit. She has taught the lady to give her carrots when she sticks her nose against the lady's face and when she picks up her hoof and holds it in the air. The lady is also supposed to give her carrots when she nods her head up and down, but sometimes the lady is really inconsistent in her responses. Like last week when that other lady was here and they were clipping little pieces off of those ponies' hooves. Krissy was all done with her feet and the lady and the other lady were trimming that Peach's feet. So Krissy was getting a bit impatient to do some training of the lady and she started nodding her head up and down, but the lady was not catching on and didn't give her any carrots. You can imagine how frustrating that must have been for poor Krissy. I mean even a Vermonter has her limits.

So after she tried putting her head on BOTH ladies' shoulders and giving some kisses, she started nodding harder. She was nodding her head so hard that her front feet came off the ground. Well, THAT finally got the lady's attention. And the good news is that Krissy got a carrot for doing that! So the lady is learning how to properly reward excellent behaviors. She thought Krissy was so cute when she tucked her little legs up and reared in the air. So Krissy kept on working with the lady to get her to give more carrots. Soon Krissy was rearing way up and looking way, way cute. So now, Krissy just needs to keep working with her to get her to be more consistent. Unfortunately, the lady seems to be slipping in her training and now she isn't giving carrots to Krissy for rearing. So Krissy is a bit frustrated AGAIN, since the lady is only giving her carrots for biting a funny hat. The rearing gets nothing. But at least Krissy is keeping her busy and hopefully can get her over her erratic behaviors.