Well, the lady has been neglecting us, as you already know, and probably it is because we are way back here with all this nice grass in these far fields. The lady has to drive back here to see us with the little green truck thing so we were willing to forgive her as long as she shows up a couple of times during the day and still gives us carrots sometimes and pets us. So then she shows up with the big orange machine and starts dragging big trees around that the noisy man cut down when he was back here in our woods making good places for us to stand out of the sun. The lady laid those trees down in one of our fields, right by where we stand in the woods. Then the next day, here came that noisy man, dragging more trees around and putting them right on top of the trees that were already there. He had even more noisy little machines and made them sound like really big bees while he made smaller pieces fall off the big trees. We went out to try to figure out what he was doing and walked all around those trees, but we are not sure what it is. I am going to attach a pic.

But the lady says our vacation is over and that we are going to have to go to work now. This better mean carrots....