
Friday, March 29, 2013
Bob amok
We had some excitement this morning! After we got our hay, the lady drove the little green truck thing back to my dad Bob and his mares. She put some grain in for them and then while she was getting their hay, Bob opened the gate and strolled out. He was pretty happy about being out of his pasture and paid no attention at all to the lady who tried to get him to come over to her to eat grain out of a little bucket. He started to trot around and then he took off galloping and came to see us up here by our hay boxes. The lady tried to run a little bit, but she is terrible at it because there is really deep mud. So she got back in the little green truck thing and went sliding and bouncing through the mud after Bob. We all ran down the hill to talk to him over the pasture fence and then we all galloped back up the hill. Bob was making those loud squealing noises and lunging at the boy ponies over the fence. The lady caught up to him, but Bob turned and ran off toward the big mares. I think he is fed up with living with those two fat grumpy mares in his pasture and he was looking for mares who might like him better. He ran to the field with that big Red mare in it and all those ponies. Little Mat was in his pen where he eats breakfast and Bob jumped at him and knocked the gate off its hinges. Then he ran over to talk to my Mom Tudi who lives in that pasture. The Red mare tried to bite him, so then he ran to the bay bunch of big mares that live in the front pasture. Those mares thought Bob was the cutest thing they had ever seen in their lives. They all huddled by the fence and some of them were making advances toward him and telling him that he was handsome. Bob was beside himself and never even noticed when the lady walked up to him and put a rope over his head. So then she took him to the small paddock in front of the barn and gave him hay. He doesn't even have fat grumpy mares for company now. So I am not sure that worked out how he had planned. The lady was saying that she was going to move Bob out of the pasture as soon as one of his fat mares had her baby anyway. She said she doesn't want anyone having foals in the middle of winter next year like they are this year. But it is almost not winter here -- kind of. There is only a little bit of white stuff lying around and if you squint your eyes, you can almost see the nice grass turning green. Almost.