
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
innocent ponies
Ha! Ha! We are all such clever ponies! Some tree branches fell on our fence tape and it was flat. We could walk right over it. We went into a wonderful grassy field and ran all around. Then we went up a big hill and at the top the ground was black and hard and there were barns with windows that had people inside them. So we ran back down the hill. You know that man with the nice grass in his yard? He came to the lady's house and he told her that we ran up the hill and back down. He said that some people called his house because they thought we belonged to him. Ha! If that man belonged to us we would be eating his nice grass! So the lady and the man came back to look at us, but we all acted like we hadn't been anywhere. We just stood there in a bunch in our pasture and hoped the lady didn't notice that the fence tape was flat. But she walked back there and put it back up. Then that smart man asked which one I was? He said he recognized me and said that I will have something exciting to write in my blog today!