
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Today, all us ponies were standing by the gate to the pond, waiting for the lady to come and open it so we could eat the nice grass out there. We thought for sure the lady would have figured out from our escapades a few nights ago that we need to go out there and eat that grass, but she hasn't picked up on it. While we were waiting, she came back to the pond in the little green truck thing with two of those barky dogs. She parked the truck thing by the pond and that little bossy dog jumped out and started running all around. You know, now that the cat that had her tongue hanging out isn't around any more, that bossy dog gets to just run all over the place. At first all that dog did was run around the barn and look for cats, but now she checks out everything. It is as tho she has never even seen normal stuff before. So she and the lady walked around the pond and there were a whole bunch of stupid geese along the bank, not just the mama and papa and baby geese, but a bunch of other stupid big geese too. When the lady and the bossy dog got close to them, the geese started honking and they slid down the bank and went in the water. The bossy dog was happy that she scared the geese into the water and was all excited and barking at them. She followed them down the bank and then she walked right into the water. The geese were not real scared, so they weren't flapping around or anything, they were just honking and floating around not too far from the bossy dog. So the bossy dog just kept right on going, into the water and started swimming at the geese. The geese were kind of amazed about that. They honked more and they swam a little faster but you know, before they had a noisy white dog about half the size of a goose chasing them, and now they just had a silent little-bitty brown dog head skimming along the top of the water at them. That bossy dog was a good swimmer and she swam as fast as she could to catch up with the geese, but the geese split up so then she didn't know what to do. She was in the middle of the pond and she swam in a circle and then said "Screw it" and swam back to the shore. Then she ran further up the shoreline and went back in the water to swim after the geese some more. Then the lady called her and she gave up on the geese and they went back up to the barns. And the lady did not even open our gate.