
Monday, October 10, 2011
back again
I know, it has been forever since I had a chance to write this blog. The lady's computer was broken, so she took it away and had to go pick it back up. I don't have a computer in the field where I live. I am pretty sure the other ponies would break it. They are not very careful with stuff and they like to bite things or stomp on them. So it is better that they don't have access to a computer, or I would never get to use it again. The rain finally stopped a couple of days ago and we were very hot now that we are getting our fuzzy winter hair. I was sweating a lot. The lady put up more fence so we could go into more of the heavenly field, so we have hardly even come up to our regular pasture at all. Even when the bugs were biting us, we stayed out there to eat the nice grass. We thought we would never leave, but then we ate all the grass so now we don't have a lot of reasons to be back there any more. I thought the lady would come back there to bring us carrots, but she came and scratched us in the morning, but then she left without giving us carrots. Then she was riding that hunk Fusion and his friend Artie around. Today she went to the other pony pasture and was putting sticks in a big square noisy thing that sprayed dust and little pieces of something out of it. It looked pretty scary to us ponies and my mom and baby brother didn't go anywhere near it. I hope she is done making all that racket and brings us carrots tomorrow.