So yesterday the lady came and got my mom, Tudi and little brother and took them up to the barn. They had to walk right past our pasture, so we had to all run over and line up along the fence and watch. It was just like a little parade. Usually they are in a pasture where we can see them every day, but there is a corridor between our pastures that is about as wide as if about six ponies were standing nose to tail. Unless the measuring ponies were Krissy, then you would need more ponies, because she is not very big. So it was very exciting to see them walking in the nice grass right next to us. A little while after they went up to the barn, the lady came back down and got Taca and her roany pony filly out of the pasture and led them by us too. So we lined up again to watch them go by. But Taca's filly was all distracted by the nice grass so she didn't walk next to her mom. She stopped and ate grass. So Taca started yelling at her to come along, but the filly just ran all the way back down to the pasture. Wahoo! She had her tail up over her back and she was bouncing all around! So we wanted to get in on the action and we all started galloping back and forth along the fence. Then Taca got more upset and the lady had to take her back to their pasture. But we still ran around and tore up mud. The lady just put Taca and the roany fily back in the pasture and then she got my Mom and little brother and put them back too. So we got to watch them walk by AGAIN! We were all tired from all that excitement.
Today, we were eating nice grass by the pond when the lady showed up with some sticks and branches for us to eat. She doesn't usually bring us stuff to eat when we have grass so we knew they must be special things. Even tho they smelled like the willow trees we have in our fields and we never eat those. They looked just like the branches she planted in the ground a couple of days ago over by the things to jump over and the creek, except they were shorter and some of them had bite marks on them. She brought the sticks over to the pond and we all ran over and started sniffing and biting them. They had those long swooshy little leaves on them. The lady started yelling at us and waving her hands, "No! No! ponies, what do you think you are? Beavers?" she said. She grabbed the sticks and branches and yanked them right out of our mouths. That seemed pretty rude to me. Then she chased us through the gate and into our regular pasture where there isn't any grass at all. I don't know why she brought us those branches if she was going to just take them back away from us. She took the branches over to the pond and planted them in the ground along the water. So now we are stuck here without any grass.

Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hooray -- no bugs! Or hardly any bugs, anyway. I think it is too windy for the bugs to fly around. If they try, they will not be able to go where they want to. It has been cold and dark and rainy too. Us ponies don't care that it is cold, because we are all fuzzy now. We aren't real big on the rain and the wind, but if it keeps the bugs away, it is okay by us. This morning, the lady gave pedicures to Mak and Rita. Alexis helped with Rita's pedicure by holding the lead rope that was attached to Rita. After she was done with the hooves, the lady took Jewel for a walk. None of us ponies wanted to go for a walk because we got to go out by the pond and eat nice grass. It has been a while since we were out there, so the grass is very green and we all waited at the gate this morning and told the lady WE WANTED TO GO OUT THERE, so she opened it. So anyway, we watched her and Jewel walking around. Jewel is always worried about everything and with the wind blowing so much, we figured it was going to be exciting to see what she did. She was not very exciting, tho. They walked around the white hill and went inside even tho it was flapping on the sides, but Jewel just snorted a little. Then they walked over to the creek where all the stuff to jump over is. A big piece of a tree had fallen and was laying partly in the creek. Jewel was a little worried about that, but she was more worried about sinking into the mud. So then they came back and Alexis was very happy because her long lost friend Jewel had returned. The lady put on her high boots that are as long as her legs and went back over to the creek. She walked right into the water like she was a pony and cut the big tree into smaller pieces. Then she dug holes and stuck the pieces into the holes so they were sticking up just like little trees. They had little leaves and long branches that looked like pony tails and were swooshing around in the wind. But some of them had the ends chewed off, probably by that chubby brown animal with the flat tail.
The bossy dog did not take the lady for a walk, I think because it is too cold for that bossy dog. The little quiet dog wanders around and the barky dog jumps around and nips at that hunk Fusion.
If there is no wind tomorrow, I hope I get to go to the white hill. I haven't been there forever. I could use some carrots.
The bossy dog did not take the lady for a walk, I think because it is too cold for that bossy dog. The little quiet dog wanders around and the barky dog jumps around and nips at that hunk Fusion.
If there is no wind tomorrow, I hope I get to go to the white hill. I haven't been there forever. I could use some carrots.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
yellow coyote
This morning, the lady came driving the little green truck thing back along our pasture to go to the mares and foals out back. There was a blonde coyote lying right in the dirt in the middle of the hill in our pasture. The coyote was looking up the hill toward the barns and didn't even move when the lady stopped the green truck across from him. "Hey you!" the lady yelled at the coyote. The coyote turned its head and looked at the lady, but didn't get up or anything. So the lady got out and walked over to the fence. "You can't just lay there. I'm a person and coyotes are supposed to run off when we show up." The coyote got up and stretched a little and then trotted a little way down the hill. It was not a very big coyote and looked like a yellow fuzzy dog. It kept turning and looking back at the lady as it sauntered toward the pond along the fence. At the bottom of the hill, it stopped and watched the lady get back in the little green truck and drive along the far side of the pond. Then it walked along the fence until it got to the end and came out and sat down to watch the lady feed the mare ponies. She saw it watching so she walked toward it and finally, it reluctantly turned around and went into the woods where us ponies have been making trails. We figured that would be the last we saw of it. But when the lady was done with those other ponies, sure enough, there was the yellow coyote again, sitting in the middle of our field, watching her. The lady asked it what the deal was and if it wanted to be a pet coyote, but it must have decided against that and it left. I don't know why the coyote thought the lady was so interesting. Unless it thought that little quiet brown and white dog she had with her smelled like breakfast.
After the rain went away, the bugs came out. The bossy dog took the lady for a walk in our woods which are really muddy. Then she brought some of us carrots and took Fusion and Toby over to the white hill so they could get beautiful. Harley was very jealous and bit us because he thought he should get to go with the lady and the carrots.
After the rain went away, the bugs came out. The bossy dog took the lady for a walk in our woods which are really muddy. Then she brought some of us carrots and took Fusion and Toby over to the white hill so they could get beautiful. Harley was very jealous and bit us because he thought he should get to go with the lady and the carrots.
Monday, October 10, 2011
back again
I know, it has been forever since I had a chance to write this blog. The lady's computer was broken, so she took it away and had to go pick it back up. I don't have a computer in the field where I live. I am pretty sure the other ponies would break it. They are not very careful with stuff and they like to bite things or stomp on them. So it is better that they don't have access to a computer, or I would never get to use it again. The rain finally stopped a couple of days ago and we were very hot now that we are getting our fuzzy winter hair. I was sweating a lot. The lady put up more fence so we could go into more of the heavenly field, so we have hardly even come up to our regular pasture at all. Even when the bugs were biting us, we stayed out there to eat the nice grass. We thought we would never leave, but then we ate all the grass so now we don't have a lot of reasons to be back there any more. I thought the lady would come back there to bring us carrots, but she came and scratched us in the morning, but then she left without giving us carrots. Then she was riding that hunk Fusion and his friend Artie around. Today she went to the other pony pasture and was putting sticks in a big square noisy thing that sprayed dust and little pieces of something out of it. It looked pretty scary to us ponies and my mom and baby brother didn't go anywhere near it. I hope she is done making all that racket and brings us carrots tomorrow.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Well hay , no bugs now! A chilly wind is blowing and the bugs are hiding. Yesterday it rained all day. But the day before yesterday it was sunny! It was the only day for a long time that we didn't have rain. The lady came to see us and she had carrots in her pockets. Of course, my brother Harley barged right in and wanted all the carrots. He was making nasty faces at the rest of us and telling us to go away. The lady was standing there, giving him carrots and I was standing behind her. I thought there was something about her that looked kind of familiar. You know, she had her mane roached back when the days were hot, so now the hair on top of her head is short. And it looks like she is changing to a roan like the foals out back, or else it is just her winter hair. So anyway, I realized standing there that her head looks just like a bunny. Not the front part or the ears, just the back part. If her head was lying on the ground, we would all wait for it to start hopping around. Or for a hawk to come and grab it. I didn't get to look at her head that long because she put a net thing over top of it and then she sat on top of Harley and asked him to walk around. It was really muddy, so she probably didn't want to get her feet wet walking in the woods. We walked back into the woods and most of us ponies ate some of the leaves on the bushes. But it is very wet and the water is as high as our fetlocks on the paths, so the lady and Harley didn't stay very long.
I hope the lady isn't turning into a bunny because then she will eat all the carrots herself!
I hope the lady isn't turning into a bunny because then she will eat all the carrots herself!
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