
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
So FINALLY, we got some excitement! There have been strange noises in the field next to ours for a couple of days, and my dad Bob and his mares were all upset about it, but we didn't really think it was our problem. But this morning, two huge square animals came crashing through the magic Hemlock forest, right next to our sheds and were making a horrible, bellowing racket. Of course, we RAN, and Ran and RAN right through the fence and tore down the posts and ran all the way across the fields up to where the lady lives in a square red barn. We still kept running, even tho all we could do was run around the other buildings and through the nice grass. We were all wet and snorting and sure that we were all going to be eaten alive! The lady came out and caught Haylie and Harley led them into a paddock, so most of us ran right in there too! Then she had to go out and get Sienna, who missed the gate and re-catch the two who ran back out to protect Sienna from the giant black monsters that were back in the woods. Then the lady went back to see what the problem was and saw the big square noisy monsters. We drank all our water in the trough and the lady gave us more water and then she made water spray on us, which felt really nice, but some of the ponies didn't like it. So the lady put the fence back up, but we are still stuck up here in this little paddock, because she thinks the monsters are going to come back and scare us all over again. It is good that we have a little breeze today, because the sun is hot and the shed here is way too small for all of us. I don't know when we will get to move back to our fields.
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