
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Pony safaris
The lady came driving the little green truck thing right into our pasture and then she came driving it right into our clearing in our woods. We were pretty surprised because she hardly ever does that. Usually she comes walking back to see us. So we walked over to the green truck thing to check it out. And there was another lady on the seat in the front. But more importantly, there were two of those black buckets with grain in them sitting in the back of the truck thing. Our regular lady stuck the buckets together and told the other lady to put them by her feet so that us ponies couldn't eat that grain. I think it is very rude to show up with a snack and then not even offer it to your hosts. Our regular lady got tools and a halter out and she put the halter on Sienna and started messing around with her feet. So Harley went up to the new lady and tried to get her to give him one of those buckets. He gave her kisses and put his head on her shoulder and was just being really nice to her. I thought maybe while she was distracted, I could climb in the other side of the truck thing and take some of that grain, but it didn't work. The top bucket didn't even have any grain in it and the lady kept flapping her hands and saying "shoe" or something like that. She said a couple of senseless words like, "Git" so I don't know what she was talking about. Of course, Toby and Gypsy showed up and wanted to push their noses in too so there were a lot of ponies trying to climb on top of that lady to look in the empty bucket. So our regular lady got done messing with Sienna's feet and then we got a couple of carrots from her and then they left. And the next day, here came the lady again with the little green truck thing and drove it into our pasture again. So we went over to see if there were grain buckets, but there were none. There was just a man sitting with our regular lady. So after we checked for buckets and tried to get him to give us some carrots for kisses, we mostly just left. Except for Harley, He was sure there were going to be carrots or grain or something to be had from it. The man kept laughing at Harley. Harley thinks laughing is okay as long as there are carrots too. So now it looks like the lady is running some kind of pony safari business.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
We were standing in the woods this morning and then we heard a big crash and lots of sticks breaking and here came Krissy, strolling right into our clearing and she had Belle and that Peaches running right behind her. She was acting like she is all that because she has her own little band of ponies now and she said something about busting down a gate and running in the fields and now she was here to join her band with ours. Well, you know, we have a BIG band of ponies and you can't just come waltzing in here, thinking you are going to be a part of the gang. We don't even know how she got in here, but then, she is pretty short and has been known to run under the fence, but what about those other two? Anyway, Harley and Billy went over to tell her that we don't allow any immigrants to just come wondering across our border and expect to join us, especially since she deserted us a few weeks ago and has been living up there by the barns, in proximity to carrots and lots of attention and even going in the barn when it is hot and muggy out. Not exactly the brightest move to come running back here, if you know what I mean. Not that we don't have a lot of nice grass and then there is the spectacular mud. After Harley and Billy chased Krissy and her interlopers away, we all ran after them and chased them out to the log fence, where Krissy took the time to flop down in the mud and roll. There is no decent mud up in those paddocks by the barn. They just have grass. Our mud comes in brown and gray and you know, lots of cows used to live here long before us ponies got here, so the mud smells like cow! And I am talking really like COW! Whew! So Krissy stood up and it was like half of her was white like when she got here and the other half was dark brown and stank like COW! Wow! I guess if you wanted to fool a coyote into thinking you were not a pony, that would be the way to go. So we were still milling around and heading back over to our woods when the lady showed up. She was carrying halters and had on clean clothes and short pants (At least we think those chubby white sticks between the bottom of her pants and the boots were her legs) and she was not saying nice words. She walked up to Krissy and patted her head. She told Krissy that if she wanted to stay back here with Belle and that Peaches she could. But that they should not be escaping and running all over the countryside and getting in trouble. I think she just didn't want to put her clean halter on that little COW-smelling pony. So now we seem to be stuck with three extra ponies. We'll see how long that lasts.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wet ponies
Us ponies are so excited about the rain. It rains every day! The ground is soft and squishy and we don't even have to go over to the creek to find water to drink, because it is everywhere! When we lie down, we can cover ourselves in mud in no time at all and then when the mud dries, it rains again so we can start all over. And the Glorious grass! We have lots and lots of nice grass. In one part of our new pasture there are other plants growing that we don't like to eat and we have to look really hard for any grass at all. The lady says she is going to come down here with the orange machine and make those other plants short so the nice grass can grow, but she doesn't want to drive the orange machine in the water. But it is okay, because there is still nice grass in other places. And when it is sunny, we can stand in shady spots in the woods where the noisy man was making trees fall over. This is a good new pasture. The lady is still going around sticking wooden posts in the ground in the area where we used to eat grass. Now that we can't get to our pond any more, she has put up funny fence and I think those four horses that live in our old field are going to be going out there. They can keep that pond with those stupid geese. We have a much bigger and better place now!
The biggest problem is that the we don't get to see the lady very often and we NEVER get to go to the White Hill, so there is a severe carrot deficit in our diets. Plus she has been taking my rivals for the most glamorous pony spot -- that Peaches and that Fiesta -- into the barn and the White Hill. They are getting MY carrots. Peaches doesn't have to do hardly anything except put a halter on (and she wasn't even doing that!) and Fiesta just had to walk around by the lady on the end of a rope. Well, actually she had the brown lumpy thing on her back too, but is pretty easy stuff for any pony to do. The lady has also been playing with Belle and her Mom, Krissy. That Krissy thinks she is very clever and tries to do all kinds of tricks. She puts her knee on the ground to bow, but she is so short, her knee is almost already on the ground anyway.
So maybe today the lady will come down here with carrots and let us do fun things too. If not, I guess we will be stuck eating this nice grass and socializing with the wild deer and their babies. It is a tough life for a pony.
The biggest problem is that the we don't get to see the lady very often and we NEVER get to go to the White Hill, so there is a severe carrot deficit in our diets. Plus she has been taking my rivals for the most glamorous pony spot -- that Peaches and that Fiesta -- into the barn and the White Hill. They are getting MY carrots. Peaches doesn't have to do hardly anything except put a halter on (and she wasn't even doing that!) and Fiesta just had to walk around by the lady on the end of a rope. Well, actually she had the brown lumpy thing on her back too, but is pretty easy stuff for any pony to do. The lady has also been playing with Belle and her Mom, Krissy. That Krissy thinks she is very clever and tries to do all kinds of tricks. She puts her knee on the ground to bow, but she is so short, her knee is almost already on the ground anyway.
So maybe today the lady will come down here with carrots and let us do fun things too. If not, I guess we will be stuck eating this nice grass and socializing with the wild deer and their babies. It is a tough life for a pony.
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