
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Well, so last week you know those horses that lived in the paddock next to ours, that handsome gray guy Mak and his buddy Ferris? So Mak started chasing Ferris around and biting him. At first we didn't pay that much attention to it because they are always screwing around and biting each other and jumping and playing But that time, Mak was biting Ferris hard and he wouldn't let go. Ferris was looking scared and he got tired from Mak chasing him and he had red marks all over him. So the lady came out and she made Mak and Ferris move to separate pastures. That made them both really unhappy so they yelled a lot and we could hear them even when they were in the barn. So then after a couple of days they weren't yelling so much and here came the lady up the hill with that big white mare and her colt and then Taca and her colt and Peaches. They all went in the barn and it was really fun to watch them go by. It was like we had our own little parade so we all ran to the fence and some of the ponies called out to their Mom when they saw Taca. But Taca didn't want to talk to them, she was only interested in her new baby. Then the next day a man came to the barns and when Mak came out of the barn, he was walking funny and he had red spots on his legs. And Taca's colt did too! So now they are walking fine and the mares and foals are back in their pasture, but little Peaches is still stuck up in the barn. She has my dad Bob for company, but I don't think he is very good company because he mostly just likes grown up mares. So anyway, Peaches learned to wear a halter and have her hooves trimmed and to walk around with the lady at the end of a rope. She gets lots of grain and carrots to do the stuff, so she is very lucky. But I am kind of worried because she is super cute and I am afraid she is going to think she is more glamorous than me and Fiesta. (Fiesta is still fuzzy, so no real competition there....) That Peach'es winter coat is just about all shed and since she roaned out she is this shiny golden peachy color. It almost makes your eyes hurt to look at her, she is so bright. Even her mane is golden-colored. I am thinking I might not like that Peaches too much....
Monday, May 13, 2013
Fun morning!
Finally, some excitement! All us ponies got to go in the field behind our regular pasture a few days ago so we have had much fun out there eating all the grass. And I mean ALL the grass. You know, that field looks really green from a distance, but when you get your nose down in it, there are lots of places with dirt with cracks in it. Our other pasture is just brown, so it was good that we at least got to go out and eat some of this nice grass. But it was not enough. I mean, sure, the lady says we don't need that much grass and says we will get sick and too chubby, but I prefer to think of it as pleasingly plump. So anyway, this morning the lady came driving back in the little green truck thing to feed Taca and Mixta and their colts. She looked for us ponies and we were not to be seen. She thought maybe we were in the woods, so she got out of the truck thing and came walking around the bend of the fence tape. And the fence tape was just lying on the ground and all us ponies were having a grand time in the hay fields and eating LOTS of nice grass. We were way in the back and we were walking right next to those big round old bales of hay and the grass was as high as our knees! It was glorious. We were all so happy! The lady came running back to see us and she could see how happy we were. Harley and Billy ran up to her to tell her how great it was. She gave them some of the grain that she brought for those mares and so Harley and Billy followed her back over to the fence tape and we all ran after them. I even got some grain too! We were eating grass and grain and it was really a fun morning. But then the lady came around behind us and made that clicking noise like she makes when we are supposed to move. Suddenly, we were funneled in between the mares' fence and the tape that was still up and we had to cross the white line on the ground and run back into our field that has hardly any grass in it at all. Then the fence tape went back up behind us and we were stuck. We ran back to where we knew the tape used to be on the ground but it was high again and dangerous. Little Krissy was more upset than anyone. You know how short she is and she looked at that tape and she made a run for it and ducked under it. We thought about following her, but we are not short like Krissy and we didn't want to get shocked. Then the lady drove up the hill and called us and was throwing hay out by our boxes so we ran back into our regular pasture for the hay. So now we are really stuck in this dirt pasture, watching Krissy eat grass by our pond. It is so unfair.
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